I am currently writing this page... for web surfers just like you to percieve who I am or maybe even what I look like perhaps out of boredom? Who knows... I suppose moreover I am writing a page to express my individual subconscious and maybe even to explain a few things to myself and others concerning what I have been going through these past few weeks and in summation, these past 6 years or so.
I had an excuse for existance because I was too afraid to accept reality and understand that no matter what, I will die and nothing more will happen. However what I understand and apply in my life now is not any different than most individuals today. We will die, life is short, so make the most of it and enjoy yourself. The concept is so plain and simple but perhaps that is the depth that it was intended for rather than an elaborated philosophical daydream that would be nice, had it been true.
I agree with a friend of mine that man wasn't intended to understand the universe. I think perhaps it would give us a reason not to want to exist.. life would be boring... and if that though doesn't really convince your subconscious, ask it if in all of the years of man's existance why no one has figured it out yet.